DAP’s Kluang MP Wong Shu Qi said the letters were in Chinese and titled “A call to voters in the Mahkota by-election: We hope ...
警方今早联合多个机构在全国展开新一轮突袭行动,并逮捕另外155名全球兄弟控股(GISBH)追随者和解救186名受害者。 全国总警长拉扎鲁丁(Razarudin Husain)透露,在第四阶段的“全球行动”(Ops Global)中,共有78名男子和77名男子被逮捕,另有186名受害者获救,其中包括妇女和儿童。 “所有逮捕行动是在82个场所进行,其中包括福利院、诊所、商店、宗教学校和私人住宅。” “ ...
In a statement on Instagram, the Development of Human Resources for Rural Areas (DHRRA) warned that these children risk ...
The amendments to the Water Services Industry Act 2006 (Act 655) which the cabinet has approved are expected to be tabled in Parliament this November. Deputy Prime Minister Fadillah Yusof said the ...
The Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) is actively monitoring social media content involving GISB Holdings Sdn ...
Selain menasihatkan masyarakat mendengar nasihat Jakim, Teo berkata, tindakan akan diambil jika MCMC menerima aduan ...
Ahli Parlimen Kluang Wong Shu Qi berkata mereka menerima aduan penyebaran surat bertulisan Cina itu tengah malam tadi.
Menteri Pendidikan Tinggi Zambry Abd Kadir berkata semua peminjam berkenaan dikesan tidak pernah membuat sebarang pembayaran balik.
The Sultan of Selangor Sultan Sharafuddin Idris Shah has issued a stern warning regarding the ongoing investigation into the ...
Menterinya Zambry Abd Kadir berkata ia bagi memastikan IPT bebas daripada sebarang bentuk dakyah dibawa GISBH.
Timbalan Ketua Menteri I Mohamad Abdul Hamid berkata JHEAIPP merampas enam buku disyaki berkaitan dengan gerakan Al-Arqam.