© AKIpress News Agency - 2001-2024. Republication of any material is prohibited without a written agreement with AKIpress News Agency. Any citation must be ...
The Cabinet of Ministers of Kyrgyzstan approved the rules on medical documentation of violence, torture and other cruel, ...
299/5 Chingiz Aitmatov Prosp., Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic ...
Karven Four Seasons were sold, Public Property Agency Director Almazbek Primov said at the meeting of the Parliament Committee on Budget, Economic and Fiscal Policy ...
The Parliament Committee on Rule of Law considered and approved a number of draft agreements between Kyrgyzstan and Italy ...
AKIPRESS.COM - Saudi Arabia has allocated 6,000 quotas to Kyrgyzstan for Hajj 2025, the muftiyat said. A special staff was ...
Q400, which was purchased by Kyrgyz airline, made a test flight to Talas, the airport reports. The plane today has landed in ...
Republication of any material is prohibited without a written agreement with AKIpress News Agency.
Foreign Minister Jeenbek Kulubaev met with Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cape Verde Rui Alberto de Figueiredo Soares on the ...
Jenaly Orozbaev has been appointed Chairman of the Antimonopoly Regulation Service under the Ministry of Economy and Commerce ...
The Turkic Culture and Heritage Foundation and the Research Center for Traditional Culture and Art of Kyrgyzstan signed a memorandum of cooperation in Baku on 3 ...
Kyrgyzstan is working on creation and support of medium-sized and large processing enterprises, trade and logistical centers for export of products abroad, the Ministry of Agriculture reported ...