Lake Geneva is home to more than 40 sites tied to the popular role-playing game. Here are some you can visit on a walking or ...
Throughout the decades, it’s remained as a way for its most loyal players to socialize with friends and escape to faraway ...
Here is the origin story of Dungeons & Dragons and how a small Wisconsin town called Lake Geneva became the birthplace of a ...
"At the same time, Gary Gygax had just signed a deal with Random House, so all these teenagers who had heard their pastors talking about the game on Sunday saw it in their bookstores and were like ...
Genre: Reprint of first volume in the classic Castles & Crusades campaign setting designed by Gary Gygax I share my thoughts about the classic reprint edition of Gary Gygax’s Castle Zagyg: Yggsburgh.
It came six years after the launch of Advanced D&D, and after D&D creator Gary Gygax had left the company, thanks to disagreements over company governance that saw him ousted in a Succession-esque ...
Organizers tell CBS 6 that Gary Gygax, the inventor of Dungeons and Dragons, visited the convention in the first couple years.
In the “Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Masters Guide,” creator Gary Gygax included an appendix with a list of “inspirational reading,” a gathering of short fiction and fragments that ...
Created by Gary Gygax, Dungeons & Dragons is a tabletop game in which players craft their own worlds and band together to take on adventures through mysterious realms outlined in companion materials.
The creation of Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, this grandfather of role-playing games enchanted a generation of adolescents and teenagers – at first mostly boys – and conquered college dorms too ...