Here, border politics are literally matters of life and death. Federal and local authorities describe a new humanitarian crisis along New Mexico’s nearly 180-mile portion of the border, where migrant deaths from heat exposure have surged and merciless smuggling cartels inflict havoc.
Here, border politics are literally matters of life and death. Federal and local authorities describe a new humanitarian crisis along New Mexico’s nearly 180-mile portion of the border, where migrant deaths from heat exposure have surged and merciless smuggling cartels inflict havoc.
Arizona lawmakers will tonight debate over a Republican-devised migration control measure voters will see on the ballot this November.
The news media was barred Thursday night from entering an Enterprise church to cover what was billed as a community meeting on “mass-migration.” A flyer advertising the event said it was open to the public.
Rep. Robert Garcia emphasized being "accurate" as he took a look at a chart once displayed by the former president.
The role that mass immigration plays in driving up housing costs has come under renewed scrutiny as soaring housing prices and rents have become a topic of debate in the presidential campaign. Both campaigns have called for boosting the construction of homes to lower prices — that is,
MinnPost/Embold Research poll finds Greater Minnesotan residents most concerned about the cost of living and illegal immigration.
The Arizona Citizens Clean Elections Commission and Arizona Media Association are partnering to make Arizona’s 2024 debates the most accessible in Arizona history. See the full debate agenda on our
Republicans and right-wing groups have spent five times the amount of the Democratic counterparts on TV ads focused on the issue of immigration and border security. Analysis by The Immigration Hub and AdImpact of ads airing in 11 battleground states and Montana in 2024 showed $263,